Make The Website Professional

Today, I am going to show you how easy it is to create a professional-looking Flash website for free.

Know To Spread The Web

So you've made a new site, huh? But no one knows about it! Here you will find tips to spread news about a website that you've created!.

The Path To Be An Expert Geek

In this website one can find many TIPS AND TRICKS of Computer,Internet,Web,Mobile And Blogger Tips.

To Increase The Knowledge Of Bloggers

In This Site We Want To Increase The Knowledge Of Bloggers About Blogging To Be A Better Blogger.

How To make Money Online With Your own Website

If you look at many websites, you will probably notice that there are banner advertisements displayed on most pages. If you are a newcomer to the scene, you might think that you must either be a company or that your site must be famous before you can get advertisers, just as it is the case in hardcopy publications..

Get our toolbar!

Monday, September 24, 2012

How to get a free domain name + 1 year free hosting from DreamHost

If you are thinking it’s a joke, it’s NOT. Here is a fully working trick to get a FREE 1-year domain name + Free Unlimited Hosting from DreamHost. Dreamhost is one of world’s most popular and reliable services.

We had tried this method and it worked flawlessly.

Follow the steps below carefully to get 1-year domain and Unlimited Dreamhost hosting Free:

How to get a free domain name + 1 year free hosting from DreamHost
Step 1. Sign up for Free Dreamhostapps account. Choose dreamhosters sub-domain in step1. In step 5 fill up your details and sign up.

Step 2. Visit

Step 3. Enter this URL, into the text box and click on surf.

Step 4. Click on Sign up Now and choose to Host a domain.

Step 5. Fill all the information properly (use one year plan etc.)

Step 6. Very Important - While entering the address choose country as US and not IN. Also enter the same email address which you used for DreamHostApps.

Step 7. Use the Code BARCAMPLA7 for 100% discount.

Step 8. Enjoy!

Code BARCAMPLA7 (got this using Twitter search for “Dreamhost code”), provides 100% discount, but only for US locations ( so choose country as US ).

Do share your experience here. As always, p2ktech will keep sharing the fantastic tips and freebies  .


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How To Use Mobile Phone As Webcam

This tutorial will show you How to use your mobile as a Webcam.

Many of us don’t have Webcams and might want to use your mobile as a Webcam to save on some cash and also to put your mobile camera to better use.
You will need to install your Bluetooth stack / drivers – Microsoft, Bluesoliel, Widcomm etc if you plan to use Bluetooth to connect your phone and PC. You will also need to install Nokia PC Suite in case you are using a Nokia phone.
There are two applications to use your mobile as a Webcam:

1. Mobiola Webcam

How To Use Mobile Phone As WebcamDownload Mobiola Webcam

Mobiola Webcam is the most popular Webcam software for mobiles, it is compatible with many phones – Symbian S60, S60 V3, UIQ, Windows Mobile, Blackberry etc. In case it isn’t compatible with your phone, but your phone supports J2ME, you can use the Mobiola Webcam Lite version. It runs on almost all J2ME phones. In case, you have some prehistoric phone with no J2ME support, then it’s time to dump it and get a new phone.
Just download Mobiola Webcam / Webcam Lite from the above links after selecting your platform. Install the Mobiola Web cam setup on your PC and transfer the mobile sis / jar file to your mobile and install it. Be sure to give it all the access permissions it requires during installation.
Just start the Mobiola application on your mobile and PC. From your mobile, select Options > Connect and select the connection method – Bluetooth, USB or Wi-Fi. We would recommend connecting via data cable as it is faster. After you are connected, you can use the mobile camera as your Webcam. Just start your favourite application and in the Video / Webcam options, select the Mobiola Webcam / Your Phone. You can adjust the video quality, contrast and brightness from Options > Settings.

2. WWIGO (Webcam Wherever I Go)

How To Use Mobile Phone As WebcamDownload WWIGO
WWIGO is also a nice little application that allows you to use your mobile camera as a Webcam. It supports connections via Bluetooth only though. Just download the application from the above link and install it. After installation, navigate to your Program Files directory and get the WWIGO mobile application from there. Transfer it to your mobile and install it.
Now start both the PC and mobile WWIGO applications. Now select an GPRS access point in your mobile, and select Options > Connect. Select your PC as the Bluetooth device and let the PC and mobile WWIGO applications connect.
After the connection is done, you can use your mobile camera to record videos as a Webcam. To use it as a Webcam, open the Webcam / video settings of your application and select WWIGO as the Webcam. You can adjust the video resolution and zoom levels from Options > Settings
That’s it, You are done. Happy Chatting.
Note: Yea, I know there are loads of similar tutorials everywhere. But as I was running out of ideas to write on, I thought this would be fine.


Monday, September 17, 2012

Make Social Technology Count in Your Workplace

Make Social Technology Count in Your Workplace
A friend, who was involved in developing early word processing systems (imagine a world without Microsoft Office or Open Office), was recently talking about the productivity-improvement claims made by proponents of word processing. I’m like WHAT decade are we in? Smiles. I’m GASPing for air. By moving offices and workers away from typewriters, Dictaphone machines and stenography, businesses were supposed to see huge productivity gains. Individuals would be empowered and secretaries (try finding a few of those today) would have time to work on projects of higher value to companies. There would be no reliance on White-out, steno pads or other mostly-dead products and everyone would be freed from the drudgery of office work. The payoff for companies? The holy trinity of time-savings, cost-reduction and ROI!

What really happened? We all – more or less willingly – took on responsibility for our own busy work, and a whole work classification was eliminated. There are no “secretaries” any more – Phew. There are a few executive assistants, reserved mostly for the V and C-suite. This is something my baby boomer friend regrets; early in his career he had a secretary, Jean, who could type 105 words a minute with no errors and take dictation at 90 words a minute. She kept his schedule, remembered everything, and shielded him from useless meetings and other distractions. Now he’s on his own, working without a net, like most of us, in a world where notions of value have changed. What gives?

We’re seeing a similar shift now in the world of work with social technologies and social media tools. From Yammer to wikis, talent management software and enterprise instant-messaging platforms like Salesforce Chat and Microsoft Lync, businesses are structuring a workplace where most interchanges are not person-to-person but are instead mediated by technology. This shift has been valued at upwards of $1.3 trillion by no less an authority than McKinsey , which studied the use and impact of social tech in four sectors: professional services, retail financial services, packaged goods and advanced manufacturing.

Not surprisingly, McKinsey sees a large percentage of the value of social tech coming from two sources: improved communications and collaboration. These benefits will be realized internally, as employees collaborate, and externally, as consumers interact with brands.

But value isn’t something you get by buying technology, closing your eyes and making a wish. Value is real only if it can be measured. Further, it’s arguably possible to extract value from technology only when your work culture understands and accepts the reasoning for adopting the technology, which requires employees to trust the company and its managers. Without trust, in other words, value cannot be calculated.

So leaders and employees unite and celebrate! Here are five things to put in place if you hope to extract value from social technology in your workplace:

1) Define what value means to your organization. For example, is there more value in social tech-mediated collaboration than there is in face-to-face meetings? In which circumstances or use cases is the statement true or false? At which employee grade is it true or false? Is your notion of value organizational (e.g., human factors), financial (e.g., measureable ROI) or process (e.g., time savings)? Create different timelines for each vector to see where you’ll experience a value bump first.

2) Create a value measurement methodology. If you’re measuring collaboration, for example, tie hard costs to it: less travel, less time to complete a task, more people on board with an idea or initiative.

3) Determine which tools, processes and policies support your definition of value, and which must be changed. Email may not support your definition of value in the above model, nor may in-person meetings. Processes designed to support building teams will need to be revised so teams can be constructed virtually among people who’ve never met F2F. Policies requiring performance reviews to be conducted by team members may need to be adjusted, and so on. This may requires a close look at many policies, which is time-consuming; factor that into your value equations.

4) Create a link between your notion of value and the value of employee trust. This will be tough, but one place to start is to create a value statement describing the organizational value of employee trust. Then look for the deltas in your model of the value of social tech. You may want to bring in an HR or organizational consultant to help structure the examination if you need help from the outside.

5) Socialize your expectations of the value to be realized from social technology. Poll employees to see if they buy in. If they don’t, you’ll gain not only understanding of why there may be resistance to using social tech tools, as well as a roadmap of policies and procedures which may require change for the organization to realize value from social tech.

We’re just beginning to see the disruptive effects of social technology and social media at large. Very exciting times in the world of work. Will it destroy whole job categories? It remains to be seen. Will it deliver value? I vote yes.

What about you? Is your leadership or employee style one the embraces parts or all of this?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Result of MCA, MHM & BBA (Regular) Courses, MDU


Maharshi Dayanand University Declared the following results and the same are available on the official website of the Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak i.e.

  • Master Computer Applications (MCA) 2nd, 4th, 5th & 6th Semester, 
  • Master of Hotel Management (MHM) 2nd 3rd & 4th Semester 
  • Bachelor of Business Admn. (BBA) 2nd, 4th, 5th & 6th Semester 
For View / Print Result Click on the Link Given Below

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Reffer and earn money

Hey frinds, today i am going to tell you how to earn money only by reffering limk to people

How to Promote referral link?
Promote your referral links on forums, blogs, comments, chat rooms, chats, facebook wall, facebook pages, groups, twitter, ptc sites, advertising websites to get link visits and earn money on every visit you sent through referral link
When I will get payout?The min balance for payout is 10$ and you will get through Alertpay, Liberty reserve, Paypal, Moneybooker, Perfect Money, Solid Trust Pay, Cheque, Western Union, bank transfer at end of every month.

How much I can earn?

You can earn without any limits, its on your efforts and hard working that how much you can give time to promote referral program of, Many of our top members are earning more then 100$ per day and 2000$+ per month

Sunday, September 9, 2012

How To Turn A USB Flash Drive Into Extra Virtual RAM

It's not hard to turn an extra USB stick lying around that's collecting dust into extra memory for your computer, allowing it to run speedier and manage more applications better.

DIY site Instructables has a guide on how to put a flash drive to good use by using it to increase the virtual RAM on your Windows computer. For the best results, Instructables user MoritzB suggests using a USB drive smaller than 4 GB for this little trick. We've paraphrased some of the instructions for you below:
How To Turn A USB Flash Drive Into Extra Virtual RAM

Rename your thumb drive as "RAM DRIVE" or something similar, so you can see which drive is being used as RAM.
Delete all the stuff on the flash drive. Check for hidden files.
Right click on My Computer, and go to Properties. Once there, click on Advanced and go to the system output's Settings.
Click on Advanced, and then Edit.
Click on your thumb drive above, and select "user-defined size." Here you can see the size of your flash drive.
Calculate the size of the flash drive, and subtract 5 Mb.
Type this number in the first box. In the second box, type in the same number.
Click Set and confirm all your settings, applying them wherever you can.
Restart your computer.
Windows 7 users should go into their System Properties, under the Performance tab for these options. After you're done, your computer will recognize your flash drive as extra virtual memory. Do not pull out your thumb drive after these settings are implemented. It could crash your computer. Instructables has the whole tutorial, with step-by-step screenshots below.

Use your USB flash drive as virtual RAM [Instructables]


Friday, September 7, 2012

How to send SMS without using mobile number

Hey friends today i am going to tell u how to send sms without using mobile number.
How to send SMS without using mobile number

First of all go to

After that select the server from which you want to send sms

Than type the mobile number of the person whome you want to send sms

After that type the message and than type security code and send sms and your sms will be delivered to that person.


MAD SMS Sender:Way2SMS ,Site2SMS, 160by2,FullonSMS,SMSSpark,Fast2MS....API's

You can make Get/Post Request to :

with values :
usr as Username
pwd as Password
to as number which will recieve message.
mes as message.
deli as delimiter it can be anything & is option, by default ";".
gui =1 if you want userfriendly message ex: gui=1 by default it is 0.
site as Gateway

Gateways Supported :


If result is
0 = Wrong username or password
1 = Message sent
2 = Message not sent
3 =Invalid number to send message

Some Get Request Examples are given below :

Example 1:;7275960444;8888888888;
In above example  username is 7275960444, Password is Password , Website or Gateway is way2sms Message is Hello_Message, Message is sent to 9451430071,7275960444,8888888888,

Example 2:,9450313528,9451430071&deli=,
In above example  username is 9451430071, Password is testPass , Website or Gateway is site2sms Message is SampleMessage, Message is sent to 7275960444,9450313528,9451430071
You should note that using deli=, we seprated all numbers using comma ",".

Example 3:,9450313528,9451430071&deli=,&gui=1
In above example  username is 9451430071, Password is testPass , Website or Gateway is site2sms Message is SampleMessage, Message is sent to 7275960444,9450313528,9451430071
You should note that using deli=, we seprated all numbers using comma "," & above examples shows user friendly message.

You can embed our sms sending script using below code :
<iframe src= height=100% width=100%></iframe>


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Result of Clerk-cum-Junior Data Entry Operator Examination , MDU ~ The Path 2 Know Technology: The Way To Be An Expert Geek.

Result of Clerk-cum-Junior Data Entry Operator Examination , MDU ~ The Path 2 Know Technology: The Way To Be An Expert Geek.

Result of Clerk-cum-Junior Data Entry Operator Examination , MDU

Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak declared the result of Clerk-cum-Junior Data Entry Operator Examination held on 2nd September, 2012 and the result is available on the official website of the Maharshi Dayanand University

OR Click on the Link Given Below
This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Result of Clerk-cum-Junior Data Entry Operator Examination , MDU

Result of Clerk-cum-Junior Data Entry Operator Examination , MDU

Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak declared the result of Clerk-cum-Junior Data Entry Operator Examination held on 2nd September, 2012 and the result is available on the official website of the Maharshi Dayanand University

OR Click on the Link Given Below
This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Google, Electronic Textbooks, and Collaborative Schooling?

A series of Google patent applications describe the use of an electronic textbook reader application that makes using an electronic textbook a much better experience than just reading a book on a screen.

I remember lugging around a lot of books while traveling to classes on foot or my bicycle, or even while driving to law school. As an English degree undergraduate, I got away with buying a lot of my books for literature classes from a used book store (I probably left with a few hundred dollars in trade-in credit). Many of those were paperbacks that didn’t put a burden on the backpacks I wore out in those years, but many others were weighty volumes. Especially the texts from law school. I couldn’t carry all of my law school texts at the same time if I wanted – they just took up too much space.

Google, Electronic Textbooks, and Collaborative Schooling?

Google published 6 patents last week that cover different aspects of the use of electronic textbooks that attempt to capture some of the benefits of using real books while adding new value to the use of electronic texts. As the first patent I’ve listed notes:

Although some attempts have been made to transform study material from Gutenberg’s era to the digital era, some of the advantages of using paper books for study purposes have not been replicated. Students from time immemorial have used their texts in different ways.

Some highlight portions of particular interest; others place notes in the margins to keep track of clarifications of difficult concepts. Some used textbooks are more useful than new ones because they naturally fall open to the most important pages after repeated use, or because particularly important pages or sections are more dog-eared than others. Electronic reading devices have not to date provided interfaces to implement some of these subtle yet important features that help students learn from their texts most efficiently*.

* My Emphasis.

Are the patent applications an indication that Google might start selling or renting electronic textbooks? It’s hard to say for certain. The patent filings are an indication that they’ve explored the idea.

Would you rent or buy electronic textbooks that make it easy for you to remember what you had been looking at and doing with the textbook last, including using a gesture to get you to the place you had last left off?

Or display or hide annotations that you’ve left on the book with a gesture, or by moving your ebook reader in a certain way?

Or even to find out more about books or articles that might be referenced in an ebook, including publisher, price, user feedback, and sources if available.

The electronic textbooks described would also enable you to share notes in a collaborative manner between members of a study group, or even publicly, or to use a specific gesture to connect with a teaching assistant or the class professor to ask questions. For example:

As a second example, specific annotations are immediately recognized as corresponding to commands rather than actual annotations. For example, in one embodiment a handwritten annotation in the form of a question mark with a circle around it is interpreted as a request to send a question regarding the nearby text to the appropriate teaching assistant for that course (or other predetermined moderator), and a dialog box immediately opens, preaddressed to the teaching assistant, allowing the student to ask the question.

In one embodiment, the message to the teaching assistant is automatically tagged with the corresponding portion of the text so that the student does not need to include any context with the specific question, but can just include the question in a way that might be confusing without context. For example, if the text shows an illegal divide-by-zero operation, the student’s question could simply be: “Why can’t you do this?” without any further contextual information.

You could also set up a way to quickly move to a glossary section of a page, and then back to where you were previously, and then back again quickly.

If you wanted to clip and copy a portion of the textbook into an electronic notebook to include with notes, instead of leaving an annotation within the body of the book, that’s also a possibility.

Another aspect of this electronic text application would be to make it very easy to quickly create a personal study guide. It can take a fair amount of time to do that – I remember suggesting to a friend who entered law school in my last year that he use a laptop for all of the briefs that he created, so that he could quickly pull the important parts out into a study guide for each class.

The patent filings themselves provide more details on features that could be associated with the electronic textbook reading application involved. I’ve read enough to wish that I had one of these readers in the classes I took, and didn’t wear out all of the book bags that I did.

Here are the patent applications:

Electronic Book Contextual Menu Systems and Methods
Invented by James Patterson, Nathan Moody, and Scott Dougall
Assigned to Google
US Patent Application 20120221972
Published August 30, 2012
Filed: July 14, 2011


An electronic book system provides interfaces particularly suited to students’ use of textbooks. A finger press on a touch screen produces a contextual menu with user choices that relate to where the finger was pressed or what the user was recently doing with the book. A student provisionally navigates through a book by a specific gesture which, when it stops, returns the user to the previous position in the book. Annotations are displayed and hidden using specific gestures and through selective movement of the reader as sensed by its accelerometer.

Electronic Book Navigation Systems and Methods
Invented by James Patterson, Nathan Moody, and Scott Dougall
Assigned to Google
US Patent Application 20120221968
Published August 30, 2012
Filed: July 14, 2011


An electronic book system provides interfaces particularly suited to students’ use of textbooks. A finger press on a touch screen produces a contextual menu with user choices that relate to where the finger was pressed or what the user was recently doing with the book. A student provisionally navigates through a book by a specific gesture which, when it stops, returns the user to the previous position in the book. Annotations are displayed and hidden using specific gestures and through selective movement of the reader as sensed by its accelerometer.

Electronic Book Interface Systems and Methods
Invented by James Patterson, Nathan Moody, and Scott Dougall
Assigned to Google
US Patent Application 20120221938
Published August 30, 2012
Filed: June 28, 2011


An electronic book system provides interfaces particularly suited to students’ use of textbooks. A finger press on a touch screen produces a contextual menu with user choices that relate to where the finger was pressed or what the user was recently doing with the book. A student provisionally navigates through a book by a specific gesture which, when it stops, returns the user to the previous position in the book. Annotations are displayed and hidden using specific gestures and through selective movement of the reader as sensed by its accelerometer.

Systems and Methods for Remote Collaborative Studying Using Electronic Books
Invented by James Patterson, Nathan Moody, and Scott Dougall
Assigned to Google
US Patent Application 20120221937
Published August 30, 2012
Filed: July 14, 2011


An electronic book system provides interfaces particularly suited to students’ use of textbooks. A finger press on a touch screen produces a contextual menu with user choices that relate to where the finger was pressed or what the user was recently doing with the book. A student provisionally navigates through a book by a specific gesture which, when it stops, returns the user to the previous position in the book. Annotations are displayed and hidden using specific gestures and through selective movement of the reader as sensed by its accelerometer.

Invented by James Patterson and Nathan Moody
Assigned to Google
US Patent Application 20120221441
Published August 30, 2012
Filed: August 24, 2011


An electronic book system recognizes patterns in texts that correspond to bibliographical references. User selection of a bibliographical reference causes a digital copy of the work referenced to be made available to the user. Factors such as price, reference format and user feedback are used to select a source from which the digital copy of the work is obtained.

Systems and Methods for Manipulating User Annotations in Electronic Books
Invented by James Patterson, Nathan Moody, and Scott Dougall
Assigned to Google
US Patent Application 20120218305
Published August 30, 2012
Filed: July 14, 2011


An electronic book system provides interfaces particularly suited to students’ use of textbooks. A finger press on a touch screen produces a contextual menu with user choices that relate to where the finger was pressed or what the user was recently doing with the book. A student provisionally navigates through a book by a specific gesture which, when it stops, returns the user to the previous position in the book. Annotations are displayed and hidden using specific gestures and through selective movement of the reader as sensed by its accelerometer.


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